Advising & Course Enrollment Information: For Faculty

kl5k@virginia.eduClick here for a list of useful faculty advisor resources.


Advising for fall 2024 (1248) is scheduled for March 25 through April 5. The first week is often reserved for students who have declared a major and the second week is often saved for for those who have not yet declared a major. You may, however, advise either group in either week.

SIS will open for undergraduate course enrollment on Monday, April 8.

All non-majors and many majors will first need to see their faculty advisor who will release their advising hold allowing them to enroll in classes.

NOTE: Some major departments do not place a hold on their majors. Only the department who placed the hold should remove the hold. Students should check their Student Center to see whether they have an advising hold or a hold from another University office. Those who have an advising hold must see their advisor.

Students are initially permitted to enroll in 15 credits; the maximum will be raised to 17 credits in August (date TBD); no exceptions. Students who wish to take 18 or more credits need the permission of their Association Dean and should file the Credit Hour Overload Request Form through DocuSign. This form opens two weeks before the start of the term.

Detailed instructions on course enrollment, fee payment and account deactivation are available on the UREG homepage. The Schedule of Classes (the SOC) will be available on March 15.

Direct questions about the selection of courses as follows:

Advising Procedures Shilpa Davé, 4-3351
Advising Newsletter Abigail Holeman
Department Procedures and Policies Undergraduate Program Directors
Adjustments to Department Course Data
College Policies Karlin Luedtke, 4-3351
Assistance with Students Contact the student's Association Dean
SIS Help 924-HELP

General Information

Faculty members control the number of students in their courses by setting the authorized enrollment and by determining class section restrictions. Briefly, the differences between the wait list and the permission list are as follows and there are three options:

1. Unless otherwise specified a wait list will be automatically created when a class fills. Students wanting to add a class that is full will be directed to the wait list. The wait list runs each night and no work is required by the Faculty member teaching the class.

2. Instructors who wish to control their class enrollments after a class fills should request that BOTH the wait list and the permission list be turned off. Once the class fills, the instructor must then send a message to requesting that the permission list be activated. The instructor must then check the permission list daily and invite students to enroll as space permits.

3. For a "true instructor permission only" class (where all enrollments are granted by the instructor) arrange to have your permission list turned on before course enrollment begins. Please respond to every student on the permission list through the add/drop deadline and either grant or deny permission to add the class.

Once enrolled in a course a student may not be excluded by the belated imposition of course restrictions. Enrolled means enrolled unless a student has ignored prerequisites listed in the Course Catalog and/or published in the University Record. Faculty are obliged to accept students who add into their courses through SIS.

Faculty who wish to enroll a student who is not on their wait list or permission list should use the Ad Hoc Permission function in SIS. Note that classroom capacity restrictions means that classes may not be over-enrolled beyond the capacity for the classroom.

Students not enrolled in your class should not attend class as you could break fire code rules. Only enrolled students may attend a class.

As a matter of equity NO AD HOC PERMISSIONS SHOULD BE PROCESSED OR GRANTED PRIOR TO the first day of class.

Every College student has a Faculty advisor. Students can verify the name of their advisor(s) in their Student Center in SIS. Those students with no advisor should contact their Association Dean.

Enrollment is limited to 15 credits until all students have gained access to SIS; students will be able to enroll in 17 credits in August (date TBD).

Once "in" the SIS, a student may return to make changes until the add and drop deadlines. Check the College calendar for the drop, add, and withdrawal deadlines.

Students who have enrolled in classes, paid their bills and have no enrollment holds will be considered "here" and enrolled. Students who plan to be on leave during the upcoming semester must complete the Leave of Absence Form BEFORE the first day of classes or they risk being charged and responsible for the full or partial tuition amount.

Undergraduate students wishing to enroll in College courses beyond the 5999-level should complete the "6000 Form" for the appropriate semester and submit it through DocuSign. Students will need to seek permission from the instructor, the Director of the Undergraduate Major Program, their advisor and Association Dean; all signatures are required on the form. Courses in other schools must be approved by the instructor and the department chair. Signed forms should be submitted to Monroe Hall for final approval.

Class section restrictions and authorized enrollments originate when departments submit courses to UREG. Departments can make changes and authorize closing enrollments by notifying UREG (

The Advising Newsletter is available year-round. Changes or additions are welcome, and the web page will be updated throughout the semester as new information becomes available. Please e-mail material to Abigail Holeman.

College Calendaring and Communication Tool

All advisors have access to the College's calendaring and communication tool. This can be used to email advisees as a group or by sub-groups (e.g., year, major). DUPs may also request access to this tool by emailing Abigail Holeman.

Directions for Major Advising

Departments determine and announce all instructions for advising their majors. Please plan to have well-publicized the instructions for advising majors at least one week before the start of the official advising period (see the calendar for specific dates). Program Directors may use the DUP Advising System to e-mail all majors. (If you are a DUP and unable to access the system, please contact Abigail Holeman.)

Departments may also determine policies concerning enrollment. If a student neither calls the instructor in advance nor appears at the first class meeting, the student's enrollment may be canceled, for example. Common to all such policies is wide publicity in Department newsletters and course descriptions before course enrollment begins.

Please schedule expanded office hours during the weeks of March 25 and April 1. Chairs, if there are faculty in your department unable to meet their advisees, please arrange for coverage and notify Dean Shilpa Davé immediately. Faculty are encouraged to use the appointment scheduling tool in the online advising system.

For those major departments that have placed an advising hold on majors, those students may not select their courses until they meet with their advisor and the hold is lifted. The College (Monroe Hall) will not intrude in Department procedures by lifting advising holds. Only the department who placed the hold should remove the hold.

Directions for Lower Division (Non-Major) Advising

Faculty use SIS to access the Academic Requirements (AR) and transcripts of their advisees. You may find it helpful to ask each advisee to bring an AR report or their laptop with them when they meet with you. You may make this request when you contact your advisees to inform them of your office hours.

Please schedule expanded office hours during the two weeks of advising (March 25-April 5) so that students can sign up for an appointment. We encourage Faculty to use the online calendar to schedule office hours. In the event students fail to come by during your expanded office hours, it is suggested that you schedule one or two subsequent group meetings rather than schedule individual meetings.


course selection worksheet and course enrollment time schedule worksheet are available for students to help them plan their schedules, but it can also be useful for Advisors to keep track of student enrollments and plans.